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    當前位置: - Products - UV Fused Quartz Glass (blank material)

    UV Fused Quartz Glass (blank material)

    Cold-working materials: various optical parts with a diameter or diagonal of 10~320mm and a length of ≤200mm, such as discs and squares; hot working materials: each with a diameter or diagonal of 350~1200mm and a thickness of ≤100mm Kinds of optical parts such as discs and squares; tolerance size: diameter tolerance: ±0.1mm, side length tolerance: ±0.1mm, thickness tolerance: ±0.1mm

    Characteristic spectral lines of quartz glass in ultraviolet light


    Product use

    • Optical instrument
      Optical instrument
    • Aerospace
    • Laser Optoelectronic Optical Communication
      Laser Optoelectronic Optical Communication
    • Semiconductor Lithography
      Semiconductor Lithography
    • Precision optical components
      Precision optical components
    • Astronomical System
      Astronomical System